Palau International Airport - ROR

Babelthuap, Palau (PW)

Buy access to Ocean View VIP Lounge (Closing 12th May 2019)

Old Terminal Building. Located on the 1st Floor of the Old Terminal Building. Exit the Main Terminal, turn left and walk approximately 50 meters to the Old Terminal Building.

Before your departure from Palau, take a moment to unwind at the Ocean View VIP Lounge. With comfortable seating, shower facilities, and plenty of power outlets, this lounge has everything you need to refresh and recharge. Enjoy the snacks on offer, and indulge in a complimentary glass of wine or beer. NOTE: This lounge will be permanently closing on 12th May 2019. NOTE: Complimentary beer or wine is limited to one per adult. Subsequent drinks are subject to additional payment. NOTE: Children under 3 years old are admitted free with an adult. NOTE: Access is permitted up to 3 hours prior to your scheduled flight departure time. NOTE: Power outlets are available.
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